Sunday, September 20, 2015

My time with Sri T Krishnamacharya was personally transformative. I was very young and looking for direction. I first met him in what was called Madras at the time. I had heard he was no longer taking "Westerners" to teach. I found my way to his home, introduced myself, and convinced him that I would be a good student of yoga. During my time under his direct instruction, I learned a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, humility, and  what  really is important, at least for me, in this fleeting life. I let him know I was more interested in practicing medicine, and in particular, psychiatry, than teaching yoga, and he was highly supportive. During my last visit before returning to America, he sat down next to me, and shared a book with some 200 pictures of himself doing the essential asanas. He asked me to receive it, take it with me, and use it to increase research of yoga and further the science of Yoga. Until now I have not shared these photos publicly. Since there is really no living American who studied directly with him living any longer and having no interest in profiting from my relationship with him, I would now like to begin publishing the knowledge he provided me regarding the science of mind most advanced on the planet, known as Yoga for the benefit of mankind.
I do this humbly requesting the blessings of Sri T Krishnamacharya, his teachers, and his teachers teachers.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

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